
What’s in your bag?

What’s in my bag?

Good friend and epic LightPainter Sven Gerard from Lichtkunstfoto.de shared what’s in his bag and ask me what’s in mine. That got me thinking. A lot of thinking. A lot of questions went through my head (very effective procrastination technique not to get the post done by tomorrow). The first question was like: What bags, which bag? Define bag? A bag means you want to carry something somewhere. But how do you travel? By foot? By Car? By train or plane?

Here I share what’s normally in my bag, you’ll see me packing it in front of you. A LightPainters bag filling up. Here I will pack with you for a night out in the dark. Right in front of you, I go through the details one by one.

On top of just emptying my bag, I discuss different bags and different tools. You can follow my reasoning why I bring different bags and tools. All of that is of course connected to what my photos going to look like in the end. The video is relatively long, I know that. But I could not just take the one shot of the equipment without commenting why I pack what I pack. So if you have 30 shortlived minutes.

What’s my favorite bag for traveling. In most cases, it’s the Peak Design products. Especially the one that is just the size to still be considered hand luggage.

Here I show you all the little things from Flashlights to Lenses or Camera Rotation-tool.

Flashlights for Light Painting
Lenses for Light Painting

Hope this article and the video help you to understand your way of packing better. Make it work for you and your back. Remember you will need to carry all the stuff you bring. The more you have you increase complexity and weight. Once on the spot, it can be helpful not to have too much choice. It does not matter if the choice of flashlight, lens or Light tool reduces the choice and lets your creativity work with what you got. Less is more in your bag!


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