Light Painting Video Tutorials

Sometimes seeing moving images and listening to a friend explain, provides you with a much better feeling of what was going on. Here I want to increase your input data stream and I hope you appreciate the way my experience is presented to you in a more visual way. You find Light Painting Video Tutorials as well as Behind the scenes material from Meet Ups and events. Also I share what equipment I use and how.
The Black Fiber Optic Brush Light Painting Tool
Here is a short tutorial on how I use the Black Fiber Optic Brushes. The only difference to the actual video – is I normally use my Canon most of the time .. the Olympus helps to illustrate it for you … That beautiful model I did not introduce to you (shame on me) is Lisa Xuan. She is a long-time friend and she is been helping me here and there. thanx! and she says: The model needs to hold still!! really still! Here is one of the most watched light painting video tutorials.
Pink Fiber Brush for Lightpainting
Here you’ll find a tutorial on how to do Light Painting using a white background.
I have been ask to also explain a few things for some of the Light paintings on White Background. So I thought I quickly show you in a short tutorial. There is one ‘real-time’ example so you see what I did and how.
Light Painting Equipment

Flashlights I use for Light Painting
For those who it may be interesting, this is what I think about flashlights, a short talk/discussion with myself about what kind of flashlight I have and use. Also, I share some insight on how I use them for light painting.
What Lenses I use for Light Painting
For those who may be interesting, this is how I choose my Lenses for Light Painting? Depending on the Composition and Subject you want to feature you can work with pretty much any lens or no lenses at all. Yes – there is a land of Photography that works without lenses = Refractography. Here I also share some insight on how I use them best for light painting.
Light Painting Location Check
Photography Location Check 013 – Bisti Badlands
It’s been on my list for ever and now I finally made it to the Bisti / De-Na-Zin Wilderness Area in New Mexico as part of my most recent photography trip. Specifically for light painting, photographers tend to appreciate not too big formations, because one can easily light them up. This is perfect here at Bisti, but have a look for yourself.
Because of a thunderstorm coming into the very region I was in I only got to shoot one of the three spots that I had planned to spend some time with. Here you will see some highlights of the scenic route I took, you’ll see some impressions of the area, and some drone footage to enjoy. Through this, I hope you get an idea of what to expect when you plan your visit.

Photography Location Check 012 – Anundshoeg, Sweden
Light Painting the Viking Ships of Anundshög. Where are we going? She says visiting some friends in Westeros 1.5 hours outside of Stockholm. My initial thought was going straight to Dragons and White Walkers – “Game of Thrones”. Wrong! It is called Västerås and has nothing with sex scenes. The Main Attraction at the Anundshög historic sight is certainly the assembled rock formation Ships. I will walk with you around the spot so you can identify your personal favorite composition, your spot for your photo. I hope this helps you to get a little bit of a head starts in exploring the area not only be Google maps.
Pyramid Garzau – Light Painting Location Check 010
This is Light Painting Location Check 010.
Here we are visiting the Pyramid Garzau. It’s a 13.8 m tall fieldstone made Pyramid. The biggest of its kind in Germany. Its located just an hour northeast from Berlin. Relatively easy to get there by car. This video gives a perspective of the location and some Light Painting examples for your inspiration.

Tree Log Swirl – 5 Minutes behind the scenes and Making Of
Despite the Corona Virus situation we went to a nearby bit of forest. The video shows you how most of the pictures were taken. For this trip, I brought an ‘Unleashed’ remote, my Laowa Zero D, the Ball of Light tool by Denis Smith, a Light Blade from Ivan, Light Painting Paradise and another one from Jacky Zhou, Lighter Light Painting, as well as flashlights from Sven Gerard as well as my LED Lenser selection.

Night in the Library – 3 Minutes behind the scenes
Together with friends from Saxony I spent a night in the museum/library, the artistically formed “Oberlausitzische Bibliothek der Wissenschaften” Engl: Upper Lusatian Library of Sciences and its collection mostly dedicated to science.
Thanx to the great Organization of Danilo Strauss and company of good friend Felix Leda from Ferpixelt, Feli, and Natalia I got to spent a wonderful time light painting in Görlitz.
See the blog article for more images.
Uyuni Train Cemetery – Location Check 007
This video will give you an overview of the train cemetery in Uyuni, Bolivia. Flying with the drone over the tourist attraction will give you ideas before you actually go to the location. You can plan your shooting and select the right spots. What are the coolest trains you want to photograph? This film will help you upfront to get sorted.
Horca del Inca – Location Check 006
Horca del Inca or Pachakata Is a pre-Incan astronomical observatory located on the Bolivian side of Lake Titicaca in Copacabana, a known area and departure base for most tours related to Inca culture. The megalithic work was wrongly named as “Inca Gallow” and only in the 70s a researcher discovered its real purpose: solstice, the sunbeams light through the lintel of the structure, marking the Ayamara New Year.
Light Painting Location Check 005 – Excavator 1452
Together with Sven Gerard and friends we were allowed full access to the Excavator 1452 ( in Görlitz. The excavator was built in 1961 and is about 75m long and 33.5m tall. Very happy we could finish two great pictures by 8 PM. By midnight we had a great selection of photos but could not exhaust the full potential of the sight.

Devils Bridge Rakotzbruecke – Location Check 004
Location check # 004 is for one of my favorite spots in my area. I’ve been there several times and will go again. Here I represent the Rakotzbrücke or sometimes also called Devils Bridge. It very old (1860) so you should not climb it. Absolutely prohibited! Don’t! Also no drone flights anymore. This footage is from back in the days when there were no such signs and laws.

Rostiger Nagel – Location Check 003
Here is my next location check. This video gives you an overview of the “Rusty Nail” which is located in Brandenburg, Germany. You’ll see some example images I took and a short flyover with my drone, so you can go there with a plan in your head what you like to do. If you do so please tag me in your results and share with me what you came up with.
Geo / GPS location 51.527238, 14.098846
Light Painting Photography in Action
This section will offer you a wide variety of content related to Light Painting and topics interesting for Light Painters. Here you find interesting spots to do Light Painting or tutorials to build or use Light Painting tools. Here and there I will also post some ‘Behind the scenes’ story or some information on new toys and tools that I found interesting sharing with you.
LightUpBerlin – Lightpainters Meet-Up in October 2019
Here we share some highlights from Light Up Berlin 2019, our first light painting festival at Monopol, a former distillery in Berlin. 200+ enthusiasts from 20+ countries: photographers, artists, body painters, and enthusiasts immersed in creative collaborations, workshops, and performances. This video is a heartfelt thank you from the organization and production team to everyone who helped and participated. Danke on behalf of all of us for the exchange, the talks, light painting video tutorials, and the exhibitors. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and stories, for exhibiting your light paintings, for the collective creations and the never-ending play and fun at the bunkers, the cylinder, the industrial areas, the forest, the theatre company, and the stage. Light On! So many enthusiastic and happy people in one place, it was remarkable.
Light Up Berlin was organized by:
Gunnar Heilmann & Natalia Cerqueira Sven Gerard & Marla and Erik Bernhard Rauscher Heinz-Jörg Wurzbacher Garry Krätz Dominic Ponce Matti
Light Up Berlin was supported by
Monopol Berlin,, tunneltours, Light Painting Paradise, Olympus, Bowerbird, gfai tech, Lichtkunstfoto
Thank you to all the artists, photographers, contributors, sponsors, participants, attendees, and worldwide light painting enthusiasts who participated and helped throughout the event. See you at the next LightUpBerlin. Content Credits and acknowledgments: Bernhard Rauscher, Chris Noelle, Claudia Weller, Dan Roberts, Denis Berka, Diliz, Denis Smith, Jan Leonardo Wöllert, Karin Brodowsky, Maria Saggese, Mart Barras, Pala Teth, Phill Fisher, Roland Brei, MASS, Rob Turney, Stabeu, TomHill, Ulrich Tausend, Victor Clarke, Wolfgang Gebhard, Wing Sum Diana Chan (Sum Body Art) and many more…
Produced and Edited by: Gunnar Heilmann Film: Rob Turney, Natalia Cerqueira, Denis Smith, Gunnar Heilmann
Light Painting Meteor Jam 2018
A few years ago 12 LightPainters found their way to White Pocket Arizona for a nice small Meet Up. Meteor Jam 2018. Looking for the shooting stars in the hope to capture them in our photos. Here you see our adventure into the night. What’s special about this is the footage? Here we are showing our legendary Group Drone Light Paintings and how these were created. A truly joint effort led to two wonderful and unique drone light paintings. If you are curious have a closer look. The remaining shots are all by me. Of course, everyone got their own light paintings but that was for them to share.
Video Material: Natalia Cerqueira, Zach Alan, Gunnar Heilmann Edit: Gunnar Heilmann Thank you to all participants and friends of the night: Jake, Margarita, Ingrid, Reagan, Dan, Natalia, Russel, Juli, Zach, Derek, Andrius Everyone did their part to make this a very special Photo Adventure.

Thank you for your interest in my work and process.
From the bottom of my heart, I truly hope that I could inspire you to try some Light Painting Photography, some of what I created, and take it to the next level. Go wild and share with me what you came up with. I am super excited to see what you make of all that after watching my light painting video tutorials.